Today in fashion sustainability. This means that among other things, it is not necessary to buy new things for no reason. Better to keep and to float that made use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. One of the simplest in the performance of the examples is the use of old clothing in home improvement. It is possible to do very much, and these things are not only functional, but also attractive in appearance.

To tie a basket for small items, you will need some old t-shirts and hook. Take old shirts and cut them in a spiral to get not very thick "thread". Wind them into balls. But before you cut all the t-shirt, try to knit from the first cut of the shirt, to determine how suitable the resulting thickness of the "filament" (you may have to cut it again along the next, or cut "threads" thicker).

Useful tip: at the stage of preparation of the "thread" you can pick them by color. By the way, to connect the threads between them, enough to make their edges a pair of stitches by thread color.

If you want to tie a square basket, according to the scheme type a chain length of about 15 cm and knit a rectangle crochet columns without nakida. Next you need the upgrade for sidewalls. It is simple - just start to tie the resulting rectangle, moving along the perimeter without additions. For walls basket knit as many rows as you need for you personally for the resulting baskets.

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If you want to tie round the basket, dial a chain of 3-5 loops, close them in a ring and knit circle, adding columns without nakida thus, to obtain a smooth circle (bottom). Then start to tie the circle, spiraling with no additions. For walls basket knit as many rows as you need for you personally for the resulting baskets.

Useful tip: this basket can be adapted for makeup, especially if you associate a rectangle-cover and sew the zipper, you can also associate the bigger basket for dirty Laundry in the bathroom. In General, options for its use you can think of a lot, because it is very easy to wash in the washing machine.