To clean the pot or pan, you'll need a raw potato and baking soda. The cleaning properties of each of these ingredients are well known, and together they are able to do with dirty dishes miracles. This can be done in several ways.
Potato "brush"
Pour soda in a saucer, a potato cut in half. Dip the cut potatoes in the baking soda.
How should scrub pollution potato, using it as a kind of sponge or brush. Mix potato juice with baking soda is a great cleaner with light abrasive effect, which is pretty good with carbon. Rubbing necessary, putting effort – but the result will become noticeable very quickly, pots and pans brighten eyes.
Periodically cut the potato slices to "work the cut" was always fresh and the potato juice continued to come to the surface again, and dip in the baking soda.
After cleaning, wash dishes in the usual way and always rinse as it should, otherwise the cleaning agent can leave on the walls of pots of muddy stains.
Potato and soda "paste"
This method will require a little more preparation time, but will save power. So it makes sense to use large areas of contamination.
Clean the potato, RUB on a small grater. Mix the potato mixture with baking soda to make a paste and apply it with a sponge on the dirty surface.
Leave for 10-15 minutes then apply a hard sponge or brush for washing dishes.
Cleaning potato broth
Small pots, pans and woks can be cleaned of sludge, potato boiling in soda water. In a large bowl pour warm water, add the baking soda (one to two tablespoons per liter of water), put some sliced potatoes or even potato peelings.
Place in a bowl of dirty dishes and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil for 15-20 minutes and wait until the water has cooled. Then wash the dishes with a hard sponge and your usual detergent.