Someone believes that evil people who can't control their aggression, it is better not to pay attention, and someone enters them into the fray and responds with anger and hatred. In Orthodoxy, his enemies used to wish goodness, happiness, humility, and joy.
Before to read the prayers of the wicked, need to go to Church and buy candles 12. For 3 candles to put in front of icons of Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and the blessed virgin. The icons of these saints are going to need houses, they need prayers. Ask Jesus to protect you from other people's evil thoughts and the enemy of impurity.
At midnight the house light the candles before the icons, first read "Our father" crosshairs three times, then the prayer of the wicked, addressed to Jesus Christ. The latter need to say every day before going outside. From the evil people will be able to protect Matrona of Moscow. Prayer it is necessary to read in the days when is expected to be especially frequent communication with negatively minded people.
If you find yourself in a difficult situation, but don't remember the prayers, for protection, you can remember little appeal: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". From evil people and enemies of the Serbian protects Nicholas.
During the reading of prayers is not to remember the people who hurt you with anger and negativity. Think about what they can be kind and helpful. God does not divide people into good and bad, it is important for the deeds and repentance.
From troubles and enemies will defend prayer to the Archangel Michael, Psalm 53, 26, 90.
The easiest way to not be affected is to avoid contact with evil people, but if this is impossible, then twice a day, morning upon waking and in the evening, read the prayers of Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary.
From the sidelong glances and angry phrases detractors will help charms. Together with prayers, they will provide reliable protection from the evil people. Often use a normal pin. It needs to be attached to the clothes inside out and carry with you always. If the pin is open or lost, so someone wished you harm. The children from the evil eye and the influence of oblique views hang on the arm of the red thread.
Orthodox prayers can help protect you from the evil people and enemies, bad situations and influences of the oblique views. If you know that you will have to face ill-wishers, to ask for help to the saints.
Preparing for prayer from the evil people
Before to read the prayers of the wicked, need to go to Church and buy candles 12. For 3 candles to put in front of icons of Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and the blessed virgin. The icons of these saints are going to need houses, they need prayers. Ask Jesus to protect you from other people's evil thoughts and the enemy of impurity.
At midnight the house light the candles before the icons, first read "Our father" crosshairs three times, then the prayer of the wicked, addressed to Jesus Christ. The latter need to say every day before going outside. From the evil people will be able to protect Matrona of Moscow. Prayer it is necessary to read in the days when is expected to be especially frequent communication with negatively minded people.
Which saints will protect from the evil people?
If you find yourself in a difficult situation, but don't remember the prayers, for protection, you can remember little appeal: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". From evil people and enemies of the Serbian protects Nicholas.
During the reading of prayers is not to remember the people who hurt you with anger and negativity. Think about what they can be kind and helpful. God does not divide people into good and bad, it is important for the deeds and repentance.
From troubles and enemies will defend prayer to the Archangel Michael, Psalm 53, 26, 90.
The easiest way to not be affected is to avoid contact with evil people, but if this is impossible, then twice a day, morning upon waking and in the evening, read the prayers of Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary.
Charms against evil people
From the sidelong glances and angry phrases detractors will help charms. Together with prayers, they will provide reliable protection from the evil people. Often use a normal pin. It needs to be attached to the clothes inside out and carry with you always. If the pin is open or lost, so someone wished you harm. The children from the evil eye and the influence of oblique views hang on the arm of the red thread.
Orthodox prayers can help protect you from the evil people and enemies, bad situations and influences of the oblique views. If you know that you will have to face ill-wishers, to ask for help to the saints.