Holders wavy hair often try to flatten it. The easiest way proper grooming and daily styling. To wash your hair, choose special shampoos and conditioners. They remove the excess static electricity make the hair more heavy and less wavy. After washing and light drying hair is placed, pulling the strands with a round brush. Will accelerate the process of special hair-brush. Perfectly smooth hair can be give with the help of Ironing-rectifier. However, the trichologists recommend to use it too often, as this device can dry up the hair. Before processing strands, apply a protective spray. After laying should not comb hair too often – they start shining and the hairstyle loses its shape.Good result are obtained and the lamination of hair. This procedure is performed in the salon, and the effect of it lasts for two or three months, depending on hair quality. In the lamination process, every hair enveloped with a special compound, with the result that looks more shiny and smooth. Moreover, the strands become more difficult and easy to style. However, the problem of "small devil" lamination will not solve.Radical method – chemical hair straightening. This is a salon procedure that requires the hairdresser concerned, experience and skill. The effect lasts up to a year, however, the chemical straightening should not be done on highlighted and coloured hair the result may be unexpected.If you straighten the curls, you can give them a proper shape. After all, owners of curly hair is not often irritate the curls, and the overall disheveled and untidy hair. It is necessary to eliminate excessive fluffiness of hair, remove them from static electricity, to give your curls uniformity, and hair – grooming. Pick a series of products designed to care for curly hair. Need shampoo, conditioner, softening the hair and skin for their formation. After washing your hair, lightly dry them, squeeze foam on the palm of hands and apply it on the hair, forming a correct and uniform curls. Dry hair with a Hairdryer with a nozzle-diffuser and fix the result with a light spray, not glue the hair.
What to do if your hair is curly
Many women spend a lot of time to create waves, curls laying, chemical wave of hair. However, there are those who have completely opposite problem – their hair curly "small demon", fall unkempt strands, twisted in different directions, not obeying neither the brush nor the means for stacking. How to tame unruly curls, turning them into a beautiful hairstyle?

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