The land and the Civil code of the Russian Federation fixes the right of the owner of the land plot to erect on it any buildings, if their purpose is not contrary to the intended use of the land. If you want to build to be legal, you must place all buildings in accordance with the planning, ecological, sanitary-hygienic and fire-prevention norms and rules. The main regulatory documents are the building regulations – SNiP.
According to them, from residential house to fence of the land plot shall not be less than 3 meters, the house or the barn must be located a minimum distance of 4 meters from the fence, and outbuildings, including garages at a minimum distance of 1 meter. Paragraphs 1 and 15 of article 51 of the Civil code stipulate that the erection of a garage is not required to obtain in the organs of architecture and town planning of any resolution. But be located at a distance of 1 m from the fence, the garage may only be the case when the neighboring property has no buildings.
If the fence is located of the structure, the garage may be built only at a distance of 6 m from them. If you first built the garage, when buildings from the neighbors was not yet, they subsequently will have to be considered with the development that already exists in your area and build near your garage structure away from the fence no closer than 5 meters. If you comply with this requirement is not possible, it is advisable to discuss these points with your neighbors and place the agreement on the placement of buildings with violation of these distances in the form of a contract which must be notarized. But keep in mind that disputes involving buildings, erected with violations of existing regulations, a limitation period is 3 years. So if your garage is built and no complaints from the neighbor, they did not, at the expiration of that period to trial the claim he will not accept. Otherwise, when violations of the regulations takes place and the building was constructed recently, it can carry by the court.
When placing garage buildings should take into account the presence of red lines – the boundaries of the blocks. If this red line runs along the entrance to the site, building lines, according to town planning regulations, displaced by 5 yards deep in the area. That is the garage you also need to build at a distance of 5 m from the entrance gate.