Need to know what is under big pressure and velocity of water are washed out by precipitation, lying on the pipe, the solid particles of rust. In addition, there is the so-called "blind lines" are in private sectors of cities, where the pipeline was laid long ago by the owners of private houses. It also degrades water quality.
Of course, this is an abnormal phenomenon. Because each tenant or the landlord pays the utilities of appropriate quality, including water.
Where to go
If the phenomenon of poor-quality water supply is rare, it is sufficient to contact the management company. So it is necessary to do if the water quality changed after cleaning the boiler or pipe to be replaced on the emergency site.
When such a situation continues over a long period and the management company ignores the statements of the tenants, it is necessary to resort to contacting the local water utility for drinking water research. These studies are conducted jointly with the management company.
There are situations when the person responsible for data research, slow to respond to the complaints of citizens. Under Federal Law, you can send an appeal to the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Department for communal hygiene. Specialists of the territorial Department will conduct proper research and laboratory testing of water quality. Samples will be taken from the taps of the applicants. In the end, will clarify the causes of water pollution.
If there is no response
If no action on the part of the above bodies does not, then you should apply with a written statement in a few instances: the Prosecutor, the court, the Ministry of Rospotrebnadzor, the State housing inspection. If you have the results of some tests and conclusions of independent experts, the statements must attach copies of them.
There is a misconception that we should not pay for poor quality water, for water does not correspond to norms SanPiN. Before not to pay, it is necessary to prove the discrepancy. Only prove it in the judicial order, you can get your money back and make those responsible pay for the damage from the application of the citizens of damage.
To apply to the court for a water utility, a single customer and the service organization must collect the following required documents:
1. Service contract with the organization concerned.
2. All acts, or a certified copy. Which was compiled.
3. The conclusion of the tests, if any.
Requirements for the court in full shall cover all claims, or the compensation will be partial. We must demand:
1. To restore water quality in the water.
2. To release the plaintiff from paying for substandard water. The basis of article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On protection of consumers' rights.
3. If you set filters, then to reimburse the culprit of their cost.
4. Compensation for moral damage. This item must be substantiated material expenses and moral suffering.
5. Damages related to possible property damage, the cost of drinking water, as it had violated the rights of citizens. The basis of Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Russian Civil code "...the restoration of the violated rights..."
But phone calls and empty verbal threats come to nothing lead.