Most nutritionists suggest to eat more foods that contain protein. So the body is saturated is stronger than in the use of fats and carbohydrates.

If there is a more viscous foods, it is felt in the stomach twice as hard than easy. It turns out that eaten quite a bit, and the body does seem a large number.

The most popular tricks when trying to lose weight is based on how to try to fool the stomach before you begin your meal. Thus it is necessary to try not to cause harm. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten at the end of the meal, and at the beginning. Well suppresses hunger orange – it will help you to eat much less for lunch or dinner. But Apple should be careful – they cause cravings.

Some ladies helps eating alone or surrounded by men. When men and women unconsciously try to show their best side, and eat food that is more useful and less caloric.

Try to drink lots of water, unsweetened tea – the liquid will help to reduce the feeling of hunger. If you can not get withdraw from muffins and donuts, try to reduce the usual amount of treats eaten gradually. Replace sugar with honey cakes – fruit puree, candy – dried fruit. Gentle system for phasing out sweet and flour gives a more resistant and long lasting result. Even when the diet is over, weight gone will not be returned.

Eat what is on the plate, slowly, chew slowly. If you have the habit not to eat at least a little from the usual servings, you can safely reduce the amount of food eaten.