Salmonellosis refers to a dangerous and fairly common intestinal infections. Its causative agents are bacteria belonging to the genus Salmonella. After the transfer of the disease, the person is usually formed a stable immunity, but possibly re-infection when exposed to other species of Salmonella bacteria.

Methods of transmission of salmonellosis

The main way of infection is through food, most often protein: eggs of sick birds, fish, meat and milk. In the protein products Salmonella not only lasting, but also actively propagated.

The contamination can occur through contact with a sick person or a pet. Infection by this method is not so often, mostly he is exposed to people with weakened immune systems, elderly and young children. The source of infection is the feces of the sick person and animals, as well as poor personal hygiene.

Transmission via water is possible if it contains faeces of patients with salmonellosis of humans and animals. Therefore water before drinking should be boiled.

Infection through dust quite a rare method of infection with Salmonella. He is exposed to people with weakened immune systems and small children, especially if the room ventilation ventilation.

The first signs of infection usually begin to appear after 4 to 72 hours after infection. The disease can occur as asymptomatic, but can lead to severe septic forms of the lesions.

Signs of salmonellosis

Disease, usually accompanied by lesions of the digestive system. You may experience the following symptoms:

- sharp increase in body temperature to 38-40 °C;
- signs of intoxication;
- abdominal pain;
- vomiting;
liquid, fetid stools;
- perhaps content at Calais impurities mucus and blood;
in some cases, may show signs of acute respiratory infections: redness of the throat, cough, fever.

Despite the seriousness of the disease, the risk of development is minimized, if you follow simple preventive measures:

- eat high-quality products, which have strictly complied with all conditions of storage;
- consume milk, eggs, meat and fish only after the heat treatment;
- cutting boards and knives for raw meat and fish should be thoroughly washed and do not use for cutting of products not intended for heat treatment;
- eat only well-washed raw fruits and vegetables;
- to observe rules of personal hygiene;
- regularly performed indoors wet cleaning.