Greek gods of war

The Greeks worshipped two gods of war: Ares — treacherous and blood-thirsty God, loving chaos and war for the sake of war, and Athena is just, fair and wise goddess, who prefer to wage an organized war using strategy. Ares and Athena entered the Pantheon of the twelve major Olympian gods. According to ancient Greek mythology, Ares was also the satellites: the goddess of discord and strife Eris, the goddess of violent war and rage enio and his sons Phobos (God of fear) and Deimos (God of terror).

The Roman gods of war

The main war God of the Romans was Mars, who was originally a God of fertility and was considered the founder and guardian of Rome. After the conquest of Greece, Mars was identified with Ares. Mars is among the three gods standing at the head of the Roman Pantheon. His companions were the God of terror Favor (identified with the Greek God Deimos, God of fear Pallor (associated with the Greek God Phobos, goddess of war, Bellona (identified with the Greek goddess enio) and Discordia goddess (identified with the Greek goddess Erys). The Romans also worshipped Minerva, identified with the Greek goddess Athena as a patroness of war.

Egyptian gods of war

As war gods the Egyptians worshiped Seth, Sekhmet, and Montu. Initially, in ancient Egyptian mythology, Seth was considered a warrior God, patron of Royal power. Later, Seth was demonized and opposed to one of the Central Egyptian deities the Mountain. As a result, the Set became the God of war, death, chaos and destruction. The goddess of war, Sekhmet was considered the guardian of the world, but were given the transient nature: they let the diseases and cure them, enjoying the bloodshed, and her anger brought the epidemic. The ancient Egyptian God Montu was one of the solar deities, but later became revered as the God of war.

Zapadnosemitskih God of war

The Semites did not have a single mythological system, with each area usually had their own patron God. However, the General deity of war for all the Western Semites was Baal, also called Baal and Ball. Baal was worshipped not only as the God of war, but as a God of fertility, sky, sun, water, the Creator of the universe, animals and humans.

Celtic gods of war

Celtic deity of war was Kamal, whom the Romans identified with Mars. Function Kamula little known, since written references about this God preserved a little. In addition Kamula the Celts worshipped three sisters of the Morrigan, Badb and Mahe. Some researchers believe that they were not separate deities, but reflect different aspects of tripotamos goddess of war.

Norse gods of war

The Supreme God of the Scandinavians, Odin was also a God of war. His retinue was Valkyrie — Virgo, decisive of the fate of soldiers on the battlefield and selects the heroes of the heavenly Palace of Valhalla. The son of Odin Turo, also called Tyr, or Tiv, was worshiped as the God of valor. Scandinavian goddess of love and fertility, Freya also could bring victory in battle, so she was revered as a deity of war. In addition, it took away those fallen soldiers who did not get to Valhalla.

Slavic God of war

The chief God of the ancient pagan Pantheon Perun was worshipped as the God of thunder and lightning, and the protector of the Prince, guards, and military elite. After the advent of Christianity, the military features of Perun was transferred to St. George and partly on the Holy martyrs Boris and Gleb.