Many people are afraid to take young children with you on vacation. Parents worry about how kids will take flight and adaptation to new food, different environment, etc. However, most often children under one year do not notice these inconveniences. They see that the parents are calm and happy, and very quickly come to life after the move. The only thing pediatricians do not recommend to carry these kids in a hot country with a humid climate. The child will be sweating profusely, that is quite harmful for the delicate skin. Although if you go on a long time – three weeks or more, the body of baby completely rebuilt under new conditions, and the baby will not be uncomfortable.
To stay with the baby failed to choose a hotel very carefully. The comfortable family apartments with a kitchen. In restaurants, hotels rarely prepare food for children under one year, so it is best if the mother is at hand a stove and a blender. This problem is removed if the child is very small and is breastfed. In this case, the main thing that mother was eating fresh and healthy food.
Choosing a place to stay, remember that salt water can damage the baby's delicate skin. If you still want to spend a vacation on the coast - choose Black or Caspian sea. The salt content in water are much lower than in the Mediterranean, Red and especially in the Dead sea. However, if there is no purpose to bathe the baby in salt water, you can choose any coast. Sea air is very useful, and water treatments are also possible in the pool.
Children under one year sensitive to the environment and adaptation to a new climate can take up to two weeks. Especially if there was a move from winter to summer. So plan long-term trip of two weeks or more if you want kid really enjoyed the journey.