Make sure your computer has HDMI output. For this study the available ports on the side of the device or see the documentation for your laptop. If your device does not have a HDMI port you can still connect the laptop to the TV. Use the output of the videocard of your device and the hole to connect the computer cable to the TV. These findings are referred to as DVI or VGA.
Get the right cable from a retailer. HDMI cables are sold in almost any computer store or supermarket. There you will be able to buy a cord for display on a TV via the video output of the graphics card. If necessary, you can also buy an adapter DVI–HDMI to connect via HDMI cable to the TV.
Connect the purchased cable to switched off the TV and computer. If necessary, use the instructions for connecting your TV or laptop. After this start your device and wait while loading the operating system. Then turn on the TV and wait until it detects a new display.
Go to "start" - "control Panel" - "Hardware and sound" - "Screen." Configure the settings of the laptop and TV the most convenient way for you, using the given options and review them on the screen.
You can also configure the settings of the video display and operate the TV using utilities to manage your driver ATI or Nvidia. To do this go to control panel driver using "control Panel" - "Hardware and sound" or click on the icon in the control center of your driver in the system tray.
After making all the settings, switch the display mode of your TV to HDMI using the remote control if the shift did not happen automatically. After that you can start any movie on your laptop and watch it on the device screen or TV.