You will need
  • - plastic bottle;
  • - sugar;
  • - liquid soap;
  • water;
  • - dichlorvos.
To bring the OS from the balcony, prepare for them a special trap. To do this you need an ordinary plastic bottle. Pour into it the sugar so that it fills 1/6 of the capacity. Add 1 Cup of warm water. Shake well the contents of the bottle. Put a trap on the balcony. Sugar water would attract wasps. Once insects are collected inside, screw the bottle lid. Wasps won't bother you anymore.
A proven remedy against wasps is a common soap. Pour into a plastic bottle running water, adding a little liquid soap. Mix well the mixture. Ready-spray soapy solution the location of the OS. If on the balcony there is a nest, be careful. Wasps can at any moment to fly out of it. Spray the nest in the distance. As soon as the soap gets on a wasp it will die.
A fairly common way of dealing with wasps on the balcony - the use of special insecticides. You can buy them in a specialty store. By the way, often, in this case help means intended for the destruction of flies and mosquitoes.
To destroy a hornet's nest on the balcony is much more difficult. In this case, without chemicals or fire do not work. The second option in the room is still not worth it to test. But first you can try. Just keep in mind the precautions and safety rules. To do this you need dichlorvos and special protective clothing. It must completely cover the entire surface of the body. Hornet's nest is recommended to destroy at night, when the insects are asleep and not expecting an attack.
If you managed to get rid of wasps on the balcony, do not forget about prophylactic measures. Put on the window mosquito nets so no insects you have disturbed.