You will need
- - corrupted hard drive; - personal computer; - utilities; - Internet; - computer skills.
First of all, carefully remove the hard drive from the system unit. Don't throw it in the trash with physical damage, as even in this state, the disk lost files can be recovered. Connect the extracted drive to another computer, or paste it in an external USB housing.
Next, use special utility that can be free, shareware or paid. Well established utilities such as: On&On UnErasc, PC Inspector File Recovery 4.1 or Zero Assumption Recovery (or ZAR.). Using the utilities On&On UnErasc and PC Inspector File Recovery 4.1 scan your disk and select the files list of the lost data. Files using these utilities, can recover completely if, when they are deleted on the hard disk are not recorded no information. With utility Zero Assumption Recovery you can recover files even on formatted hard drive.
In the loss of files is often to blame for damage to the tables of sectors in the Master Bool Record, i.e. master boot record. To restore them, download from the Internet free simple programs that effectively rekonstruiruet MBR with file structures. Such programmes as: Active Partition Recovery or MBRlool 2.3.1 easily restores damaged sectors.
In order to avoid irrevocable loss of files, create an exact copy of the hard drive. To do this, purchase a special program, for example, HDClone 3.2., which will copy the Winchester sector by sector.
Be careful when purchasing any software, especially on the Internet, as some of them can pose a real threat to your computer.
Useful advice
Some of the utilities are shareware, recover files in several passes, so, for a quick recovery, purchase a license key for a fee.