Remember, if you care stop skin constantly, and not as problems, you will not require too much time and many complicated procedures, so as to bring the heel in order.
Pamper your heels with a foot Spa. For preparation of such baths require warm water, you want to add baking soda, salt, liquid soap. On request we can prepare a tray, based on herbs. You can use chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, calendula, or any other medicinal herb you have at home. Put your feet in the prepared solution for half an hour, and then buff your heels with pumice.
Use after cleansing the heels oily moisturizer. You can apply it to the entire foot massage. To the effect of the cream was much better – put socks.
Don't worry if you have no time for cooking trays. You can buy a special set for the care of feet in any beauty store. In such a set usually includes: scrub or peeling for the feet and a nourishing cream.
Keep in mind that if the skin on your heels became not just rude, but and cracked, there is already some preventive agents can not do. In this situation, you can help decoction of oak bark or boric acid, add them to warm water and dip there feet for 20 minutes. Better if such care of cracked heels is daily.
Also treat your heel masks homemade. So you can easily cook, for example, pumpkin mask. For this you have small zucchini grind until a homogeneous mass, put the resulting slurry on a thick cloth, and then wrap in the fabric of the heel. After half an hour this mask can be washed off with warm water.
Pay attention to what changes occur with your heels after such a pleasant procedure. And if your skin remains dry, and cracks do not heal – see your doctor, because the poor condition of your heels can also warn you of any disease.