You will need
  • - Writing utensils;
  • - books;
  • dictionaries;
  • books.
You can instill at an early childhood love of writing. It will be very difficult to constantly develop it, if you were not initially taught to write correctly. Deal with letter is needed before entry to grade 1 and preparatory group. Learn penmanship and spelling the most simple words and expressions. Turn this whole process into an entertaining game.
Buy good textbooks. Of course, in the age of information many texts are already in electronic form. Even in the school paper books became less. But still, any student will be much more pleasant to hold in hands colorful Handbook and study it. Purchase informative books and magazines. You will not spoil the vision and will be able to comprehend the grammar of the native language in a relaxed atmosphere.
Train and develop attention and concentration. Often even a diligent student it is difficult to achieve absolute literacy. Write a dictation with a lot of mistakes, and not always is the problem of illiteracy. Sometimes kids are very difficult even to focus on the job - their attention all the time dissipated. You should develop the concentration with the help of special exercises. Find out about them to the appropriate resources in the network or the school psychologist. Perform these exercises at home.
Practice to write dictation correctly. And not necessarily to limit it to the curriculum. Work independently for 15-20 minutes during the weekend. Write under the dictation of the texts that you want to hear. Use first those topics that you are sincerely interested. Then take part in the debriefing. Remember those places that need to be tightened in the future.
Work hard and let the teacher praise you for the effort. It is no secret that positive self-esteem leads to improved results. For any student it is more important than ever! You should hear that are much more competent to write a dictation, and you satisfied all around. Let this be the impetus for further development. Gradually you will learn to write texts dictation at all without errors.