So, to load a new disk, inserted it in the drive and after a few seconds the desktop will appear a window startup disk. Typically, this is a picture of the game or the picture with the name you purchased the game. It is usually present text about this effect – "now the setup wizard will download this game on your PC" click Next. After that usually comes the license agreement, put a tick on the item "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and "Next". Leaves a window in which you specify the installation path of the game; by default in all games folder C:\Programm files\"name of the game". If you have a local disk D,it is better to change to this – "D:\Games\"the name of the game". This is done in order to sort your data on the computer and not clog the system C drive.
Again click "Next", pochli which starts installing the game. In some cases there is a window with a proposal to place the game icon on your desktop if you prefer to run the game directly from the desktop, then tick the option. Waiting full game downloads and click "Finish"

Download complete, installation complete! Enjoy the game!