If you have thick eyebrows, they can self-pluck using tweezers. Take a pencil, lay it on the line from wing of nose to inner corner of the eye, and then to the outside. Thus you'll get two points – the beginning and end of the eyebrow. No need to pull out the hairs in the growth lines of the eyebrows and above the limit to those that grow under the eyebrow. To pull out the hairs you should use clean tweezers in bright light, preferably at bedtime or at least for an hour or two before leaving the house, to the area around the eyebrows are not swollen. To reduce pain, put on eyebrow cold compress. After plucking wipe the skin with an alcoholic tonic. Be sure to remove the hairs from the nose – unibrow old face. Never shave your hairs.
If eyebrows are thin and rare, they can be painted on with a special pencil. Well sharpen it, apply short, thin strokes and then blend them with a cotton swab. Blonde and fit brunette crayons of different shades of brown and gray colors, black pencil for eyebrows , you can only use brunettes.
In recent times it has become a popular permanent makeup eyebrows. In essence, it's a tattoo that simulate real eyebrows, is performed in specialized shops. Tattoo lasts a lot longer than any other type of correction of eyebrows – a few years. If such a radical method concerns you have, you can use chemical color eyebrows at home or in the salon. Dyes for eyebrows kept in the middle for about a month. Do not paint the eyebrows the same color that you dye your hair – first, the risk of skin reactions, and secondly, the color on the hair and the eyebrows may look different.