The easiest way to separate image from the background to use the "Magic wand" (Magic Wand). This method, besides the simplicity, has a number of disadvantages – it works correctly only if the image has sharp and clear edges in relation to the uniform and not mottled background.
Upload a photo in Photoshop and duplicate the main layer, or unlock it by double-clicking on the icon with a padlock. On the toolbar, select the "Magic wand" with the option "Add to selection" and click anywhere on the background. The background will disappear and the photos will be only of the desired object. If the photo will remain some fragments of the background, click on them individually or wipe them with a soft eraser.
Also you can remove background tool Eyedropper Tool or pipette. To do this, click the dropper tool in control panel, and click anywhere on the background, as well as you did in the previous method.
After that, open the menu, color range and adjust the range in the opened window by sliding the slider and ensure that the silhouette of the person you want to cut out the background became completely white, without dark spots. Click OK and the background will be removed.
Often users of Photoshop and remove the background with the Lasso tool Tool. In order to apply this tool to an image, click on the toolbar item Magnetic Lasso Tool (magnetic lasso), click the left mouse button on any point on the boundary of the silhouette that should be cut and then gently pull the line along the contour of the silhouette.
Line will snap to the contour itself, and you will only need from time to time to fix it by clicking on some particularly difficult areas of the circuit.
When the selection is done, click on it right mouse button and select Layer via cut. The image of a man will go to the new layer and the layer with the background you can remove.