Usually the simple removal of mold gives short-term effect. To completely get rid of mold, you first need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Check the ventilation. To do this, hold a lighted match to the hole. If the flame is moved off to the side, then the channel is not clogged. If the flame practically does not move, it means that the bathroom is not ventilated. In this case it is better to call the housing office and call the expert for cleaning.
To get rid of fungal mold in the bathroom, you need to monitor the humidity of the room. Plumbing and taps should always be healthy because the current taps and the toilet create extra dampness. If there's a leak – a leak be sure to fix. The bathroom the room must be constantly aired, because of stagnant warm air is essential for the development of mold and mildew.
Bring the mold from the bathroom walls you can use special antiseptics, which are sold in any hardware store. First we need to clean up moldy place. If the mold has penetrated deep enough, it is necessary to remove all layers of finish, down to concrete walls or brick. Then clean area processing using a roller or spray special antiseptic solution, and then re-plastered the wall.
A popular folk remedy against mold is bleach solution. Treating such a solution of the wall, be careful: copper sulphate and urea, saving from one kind of mold that are favorable breeding ground for others. Therefore, before using such a solution will determine what type of fungal mold you have.
All work must be carried out using special means of protection, as antiseptic and chlorine-containing solutions in contact with can destroy not only the mold.