You will need
  • history books, Internet, pencil, stickers
If you have a list of exam questions, scroll it, those that cover General topics. To prepare them, you will be able by reasoning and inferences to find the answer to more specific questions concerning the same historical period.
Start learning history from the very first, however, since all the subsequent events somehow be linked to the previous one. This is due to the General methodological principle of determination of events and phenomena.
In the study material, if time allows, pay attention to illustrations on the topic. Presenting the picture, it will be easier to recall and provide information about the image.
With regard to the dates, you will have to memorize. As with the questions, define the list of required and optional, if you have the strength. Remembering the chronology of historical events, you can more confidently navigate the subject.
Write down dates and names of battles, alliances, titles of documents and other important information on stickers and leave in prominent places. Every hour pay attention to them so that they firmly remained in the memory.
After reading the topic, try to make it brief retelling. To do this, you will help drawing up small plans. Highlighting the main thesis helps to structure the material and contributes to its memorization.
Look at the proposed examiner issues a test job. Check with them how you have learned the material after each group of topics. Tests you can find online special education publications, or manuals of history.
During the day, return to already passed topics, remember that repetition reinforces the reading. Thus, you get information "snowball", when new information will quickly and easily get on the basis of the old.