In the first stage, as in many other techniques, you need complete relaxation. Lie on your back, relax, and try to get out of my head all the thoughts and to stop the internal dialogue.
When your mind silent, you felt calm and focused, feel the desire to meet the man throughout his life. Feel like a magnet that attracts the man. In this case, it is better not to present yourself a particular man, even if you are currently in love. Male intended for you may be not those of whom you dream of at the moment, and your thoughts, you just let the unconscious mind show you the way designed for you men.
Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. Play waves, a gentle breeze blowing around you no one. And here away, a man appears. He comes to you by the surf, slowly approaching. This is the one you intended.
It is suitable for you and you can review it better. It doesn't matter if the face you see clearly. Most importantly – catch the feeling that you experience being with him. This should be the feeling of love, peace, comfort.
You can do whatever you want, while near him – kiss, hug, walk on the beach. Try a better feel for him, to catch what he does in everyday life, how to get involved.
Before you finish the technique, tell your imaginary lover that you are tired of waiting and wanted to hurry to meet him in real life. Then finish the meditation.
This technique is recommended as long as draws the beloved in your life. From time to time call in yourself the feeling that you felt while being with your imaginary lover. This will speed up your meeting with a real man.