You will need
  • - sharp thin knife or a serrated knife
Naraschivanie sausage for the sausage from the skin. Take a thin knife with a serrated or steak knife and start to slice the sausage into thin slices, trying to cut each slice slightly diagonally – like on the diagonal. Lay the slices on a dish and garnish it with herbs, olives, tomatoes, Chery. If the dish is made with sausage for a holiday feast – it is advisable to cut a few varieties of sausages – for example, two types of ham, bacon, pork chops, smoked sausage, sausages from poultry.
Sausage for buterbrodov if the sausage is sliced for sandwiches or canapés – it is necessary to show imagination and make the pieces any shape. With a sharp thin knife slice the cooked sausage or ham in the shape of stars, triangles and other shapes.
Sausage for zlatolicje, capital and other traditional salads it is impossible to imagine without the sausage. Even within the traditional summer dishes – hash it takes pride of place among the ingredients. How to cut sausage for teams of dishes right?In a salad, hodgepodge sausage (often boiled) cut into small cubes. In General, there is a rule that all components of salads such as Olivier must be of the same caliber.