If the quality of the product did not suit you toy is not fulfilling its functions, has a very unpleasant smell or obvious defect, return it without packaging and even without a receipt. Although in this case to prove the purchase in this storee will be more difficult. Make a printed claim on this product, which clearly describe detected defects and print two copies. Come in store and give the seller the claim together with the product. Make sure that on the second instance, the seller signed the appointment, put the date of acceptance of the claim and the printing company.
If a representative of the storeand refused to take the claim down on the same sheet write "the act of refusal in acceptance of the claim by the seller storea" and in detail specify the address and the name of the storeand legal name of the seller. This act give the administration or send it by mail. The seller must respond in writing within 10 days. He is entitled to give the goods for examination - then it takes up to 20 days. After this period, the money should return. At the same time contact with a written complaint to Rospotrebnadzor the Department for consumer protection. This treatment should be considered for a period of 1 month.
If the product is technically fixed, but the reason that it does not fit, was the wrong advice of the seller, be sure to include it in the statement. False or incomplete provision of information about the product – a good reason to meet your claim.
Quality product is possible to return to the store only if it is fully preserved the appearance and consumer properties. Make sure that remained intact packaging, labels and equipment acquired toys. If these conditions are not violated and the check saved within 14 days, excluding the day of purchase in accordance with article 25 of the law on consumer rights the goods can be returned. In this case, the seller is obliged to make the act of returning goods, which shall include data of the consumer, name of vendor and product name. And must indicate the date of purchase and return of goods and refund amount. This document should contain a reference to paragraph 4 of article 26.1 of the RF Law "On protection of consumer rights".
In case of refusal to refund you will ask to make it in writing and consult with a representative of the CPS about the legality of the decision taken and mentioned in the refusal reasons.