Verify that there is enough money in the account in your e-wallet to make a transfer. Note that it will be charged a fee in the amount of 3% of the amount plus 15 rubles. This is the amount that establishes a payment system, the Bank will not charge you extra money.
Get the account number for which was opened by the owner of Sberbank. Also when sending the money will need to indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the account and details of the regional branch of the savings Bank in which the account was opened. You can find them on the website of the Bank or in any office. Keep in mind that the translation can be done only at the expense of individuals. To pay for the services of any organization you should choose another payment method and withdraw money through the payment system, and then make a cash transfer to the desired account.
Go to the site "Yandex.Money" - Navigate from the main page on your account, specifying the username and password. Then open the section on withdrawal from the system. Specify, what amount, to whom and where you are going to translate. Send your request. If the system would accept, the information on the payment will be visible in the list of your transactions.
Wait until execution of the payment order. Usually the money arrives in the account in three to seven business days. In the event of delayed payment, contact the technical support of the system "Yandex-Money".