You will need
  • - ultraviolet lamp;
  • - a flashlight.
If you see on the counter of a jewelry store large rich ruby red, its origin must be alarming, because such stones are found in nature is extremely rare. Most likely, before you fake.
Remember that the real natural rubies can be perfect regular shape, unlike the artificial stones. In natural rubies, as a rule, there are internal defects. If you notice inside ruby small gas bubbles, which differ in color from the stone before you fake.
Ruby differs from other precious stones and high strength. When interacting with the less durable stones real ruby will leave on their surface minor scratches. And due to the fact that the natural ruby is no cleavage, to break this stone is almost impossible.
To distinguish natural ruby from the artificial you can use conventional UV lamps. Forgery under the action of its light becomes orange, the color of natural ruby will not change.
In bright light the color of natural ruby becomes darker. To verify this you can use an ordinary pocket flashlight. Pay attention to the structure of the stone. If ruby inside is well visible needle-like inclusions, forming a soft "silk gloss", so the stone is real.
If you notice on the surface of a ruby crack, carefully take a look at it. She can tell you about the origin of the stone. Crack in this natural ruby can only be a zigzag shape. In addition, it must not Shine. But cracks in faux rubies, normally, straight and shining.
Before buying jewelry, decorated with ruby, read all the documents proving the authenticity of the stone.