You will need
- Dishwashing detergent, washing powder, refined petrol, acetone, a special tool for removal of glue, 10% solution of nitromethane.
Put soiled clothes in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. Leave for a few hours. When the glue is completely cold, remove the product. Remove dirt with a sharp object, such as a metal nail file. Be careful not to accidentally damage the fabric. Then wash clothes in the washing machine.
Pour in a bowl of hot water, add a small amount of washing powder or dishwashing detergent. Soak the tainted garment in a soapy solution and leave for a few hours. After this time, remove the drop of glue with a brush. Rinse the fabric and wash as usual.
Use cleaned with gasoline or acetone to remove fresh stains from the superglue. The solvent can be bought at a hardware store. Dampen a cotton ball in gasoline and apply to the stained area of clothing. After some time asterite trace of the stain in warm water with a stain remover or soap.
Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Saturate the stain from the glue resulting solution and wait a couple of minutes. Then rinse the fabric under running water. If necessary, repeat the procedure again. This method is suitable to clean fine delicate fabrics.
Remove glue stains with the help of special tools. It can be purchased in big supermarkets or hardware stores. Before use consult the dealer or read the instructions carefully. Also, make sure that the tool will not spoil the material. To do this, apply a little solvent on the seam or other inconspicuous area of the product and wait 5 minutes.
Mix in approximately equal proportions of a 10% solution of nitromethane and acetone. Treat the stain from the glue with a cotton swab dipped in medium. Then rinse the garment under running water and wash with detergent for stubborn stains.