You will need
  • - seeds of the persimmon;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - pots;
  • - activator;
  • - soil for indoor plants;
  • - cellophane.
To grow persimmons from seed at home can a beginner gardener. It is enough to choose the ripest, featuring healthy-looking shell, the fruit in the store. The skin should be intact and tight, free of cracks and dark spots. The sepals should be green and fit snugly to the berry. The selected instance is put in a warm place until, until it reaches absolute maturity. Seeds just like this persimmon will sprout.
Type in a glass of water and extract liquid from the pulp of persimmon seeds. Drop them in a glass of water. Those that floated to the surface, throw - shoots they will not. Other seeds pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate or shampoo and leave it on for three days. Prepare the soil for planting seeds - it will suit absolutely any land for houseplants. Pre-calcinate it in the oven, as the persimmon does not differ resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.
Take a small container, whose diameter should be no more than 15 inches, sprinkle on the bottom of the expanded clay and fertile soil. Lower seeds at a depth of 1-2 cm and pour, cover with plastic wrap and put in a warm place (near the battery). Periodically ventilate the pot, lifting the cellophane, add some water as dry land. After a couple weeks the first shoots, at this time you can remove the tape.
It often happens that the bone remains at the end of the sprout. If within two days, she will not disappear, try and very carefully remove the valves, otherwise the sprout will die. Seedlings grow very quickly, so it is recommended to periodically repot in a container slightly larger that the root system did not lack of space.
In summer it is recommended to make the tree on the balcony or in the yard, on a well-lit place. Since persimmon does not like direct sunlight, the first time pritenyayut plant. Twice a month, fertilize the tree with mineral and organic fertilizers.
Once emerged, young seedlings, produce pinched at the level of 30-50 centimeters for further branching. Leave three apical shoots. When they reach a height of 30-40 centimeters, priderite them. In the same way priderite second-order branches. Gradually form a rounded tree five feet tall. As the plant is early, the first flowers can be seen already in the fourth year after planting.