First, your firm needs to purchase a car based on the conclusion of the contract of purchase and sale, receive a gift from any individual or other legal entity to win in the competition vehicle.
Refer to the State Inspectorate of road safety at the place of registration of the legal person with the purpose of setting vehicle registration. This must be done within 5 days from the moment of entry into a right of ownership if the vehicle no transit room. If the vehicle is equipped, the design could be implemented before the expiry of the validity period (from 5 to 20 days).
Direct the Department of traffic police officer with a notarized power of attorney for vehicle registration to the firm.
Prepare the documents that are required to carry officer: the documents that confirm the right of ownership of the vehicle (for example, a contract of sale of a motor vehicle, donation, an invoice), the Charter of the organization that will be issued for the vehicle, the certificate on statement on the tax account (INN), passport of technical condition, the insurance policy of civil liability, the information about officials of the organization-the legal entity, details of the driver, the order about the design of the cartion of the vehicle to the organization the application for registration. All documents must be certified with the signature and seal of the organization.
Once the documents for registration of the vehicle to the company the legal entity will be deposited in the Department of traffic police, wait for clearance of the car. The passport title in the "Owner" must be the name of the company. You also need to obtain state registration number.