You will need
  • water;
  • soda;
  • - sugar
  • or
  • water;
  • - mint leaves;
  • - boric alcohol;
  • - tincture of calendula;
  • - lemon
  • or
  • - the leaves of raspberry
  • or
  • - plantain
Take one Cup of boiling water and add one teaspoon of baking soda and sugar. Stir, when the soda and the sugar has dissolved, dip in it a cotton ball or swab and carefully wipe the skin in places where there is acne. Then wash with slightly cool water with economic or tar soap. Now place pureed previously prepared solution, brush with oil, better cream to remove the redness and possible dryness. After an hour, wash again, but without soap.
Another means is a lotion of the following composition. A half Cup of boiling water pour a tablespoon of mint leaves. Infuse for 10-15 minutes. Left drain, add to the infusion of a tablespoon of boric alcohol, the same quantity of tincture of calendula, 1 tsp. of lemon juice. To be effective and the pimples are gone, you need to wipe this lotion on problem areas (where there are pimples) every morning and evening.
Means of leaves malinithan rinse the leaves of raspberry. Press the juice from them, scalded them with boiling water. The juice mash with butter until a thick creamy mass. Lubricate the problem areas of the skin. You need to leave ointment on all night.
Medicinal herbs is also a good helper in the fight against acne. To prepare this remedy you need to take one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers, mint leaves and green tea. All the herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to cool. Wipe this infusion the skin on the face (especially problem areas) morning and evening. Infusion store in the refrigerator.
A simple, yet very original way of getting rid of pimples using toothpaste. Be sure to take a white toothpaste, not colored or transparent. Whitening also will not work. But if the paste with extract of herbs is what you need. Lubricate each pimple at night, by morning the pimple will dry up and will probably leave.
The juice of plantain leaves, use for wiping the skin where there are acne several times a day.