Prepare a set of baby clothes for discharge in advance. All wash, iron on two sides, fold in one package. These things will be useful for the baby and in daily life.Clothes for a newborn depends on the time of the year in which he was born. During the first weeks the baby is very sensitive to cold and to changes in temperature. So if you write them in the cold season, bring a good wool blanket – light and warm enough. In late spring, summer and early autumn you can use a flannel blanket (for cooler days – thin wool shawl that due to its practicality, will serve quite a long time). In addition to the blanket, take a corner or a duvet cover, a ribbon or a barrette.For sale is a large selection of envelopes, they come with fur and padding polyester, for different temperatures. Can use overall, but then this is the game sliders and warm pants. Regardless of the weather, prepare for a newborn disposable diaper, two diaper – cotton and flannel, hat (in cold weather and even a warm woolen hat), vest, blouse, socks (in summer can be only cotton, winter is additionally made of wool). Clothes for newborn should be made from natural fabrics. Vests and blouses buy drawstring or buttoned, not to shoot them through the head — most babies when it is frightened.Usually kids in the way swayed, but still prepare with him a pacifier, wash thoroughly, scald with boiling water and put in a small plastic jar (very convenient for this use jars from under cotton swabs).And yet, do not trust your memory, take a camera or camcorder. Small children are changing every minute. And how I want to stop a moment!