That hurts, really?

Our main body is arranged in such a way that the sensation of pain may arise in the meninges and 8 vessels. There are pain receptors. Itself is the gray matter and cortex ache can't.

"We are none the better," say the martyrs, swallowing painkillers, to be able to live, work and relax on. Yes, it is. But still need to understand the cause of the problem.

So, pain in the head can occur due to:

  • stress: stress, long sitting at the computer, depression, anxiety (pain stress);
  • changes in blood pressure (hypertension pain);
  • a dramatic expansion of cerebral vessels (migraine and cluster pain).

Pain tension

The pain is characterized as dull, aggravated by additional stress, often localized in the neck or at the temples. Nausea and fear no light. At the initial stage of this kind of pain do not require medical treatment. With them it is possible to handle yourself, learn relaxation techniques or using home complexes for physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, reflexology complexes - for example, obligatory, iontophoresis, etc.). The choice of physiotherapy rely on the doctor. If such help prove ineffective, you should turn to acupuncture specialist or experienced masseur to relieve excess tension in the neck muscles and shoulder girdle.

Unfortunately, many patients prefer to drink painkillers, which itself after some time can cause pain.

Migraines and cluster pain

This is the most painful headaches. Migraines most often affects women, cluster pain men. The symptoms are similar in many ways: sharp pain comes on suddenly (with rare exception when a migraine half an hour before the attack is accompanied by precursors), is localized in one part of the head, often around the eyes. The patient may experience nausea and fear of light and sound. At risk - residents of large cities, as their share falls more stress, they are moving less and tend to eat fast food.

These neurological pain have, oddly enough, a plus: if they occur, once a person refers to the expert who prescribes treatment according to the results of analyses and laboratory studies, in particular MRI.

Pain due to pressure

If the headache is caused by high blood pressure is likely normal pain pills do not help. You must contact the therapist to assign adequate treatment of hypertension. Physiotherapy in this case is also possible, but on the recommendation of a doctor. No individual selection of medicines do not work.