Permanent urban dust, harmful effects of the sun have a negative impact on their health. Wash hair no more than twice a week, and this, of course, depends on oily skin. Dry hair easily confused, crumbling and have no Shine. To choose the right shampoo isn't everything. There are many tools on health and care. Not fit all "grandma" methods, modern cosmetic treatments are effective.

Often require care dyed hair, and subjected to chemical perms. If you dye hair for the first time, it is better to do in the cabin, where the master will choose not only color, but paint. To avoid disappointment and damage of your hair, don't do this at home at least the first time. Ask the hairdresser's advice, what means should be used. Do not choose shampoo for all hair types" if you use it often, hair is often polluted. Now very popular hair mask Kallos, low price and quality for buyers, with an average budget. You can choose honey mask in special shops, professional care. And if you are used to pull the hair flat irons, use heat tools.

If you wash your hair every day and dry them with a Hairdryer, have pity on yourself! Means Blondex dyed and dried hair just die off. They lack power, and the ends remain dry and break off. Of course, you need to purchase a remedy for hair loss, it is better to buy at the pharmacy, after consulting with a professional. Dark or light colors cause greater harm to the hair, it's a moot point – all the paint from oxidizing agents cause harm. But gray hair require painting, and the only question is what color suits you, as henna and Basma, quickly washed away.

Dyed hair is also not recommended to wash with dandruff shampoo, then quickly washed out color. After washing to ease of combing, be sure to use the AC. Massage the head with a dryer, holding it away so as not to overdry. You can use the spray to moisturize the ends, if the time for laying there. And be sure to do the mask! At least 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes take the health of their hair to recover.