In a small age children dream about space exploration, to become a doctor and save millions of lives or be a great artist to get a nomination "Oscar". And so time passes, children grow up, get education, go to work. Gradually, turning into adults, these children forget their dreams, and life becomes a vicious circle: work - home.

Most people agree to work, doing certain assignments for a small fee, but would not take responsibility. They completely forget their dreams, ceasing to try to open the talents. Each person has an incredible opportunity to reveal themselves in one area or another, but something interferes.

Fear puts barriers or opens up new horizons? Fear often prevents. When the child left school early to get in the dance circle, he began to curse the teacher and he left. Another kid told the parents that he is stupid. Thus the behavior of parents kill their children's talents. Growing up, children are afraid to start a development, because then, for a long time, the adults rebuked them for it.

Begin the life of Everyman, and the last of the dreamers is not enough in life something, but what exactly, I can not understand. The internal potential does not live, it is a kind of impetus that motivates. In fact, fear indicates a real desire. We need to let him determine the direction and start moving in it. Only ceasing to be afraid of life, one begins to truly live.