Signs of stress

Stress is not necessarily manifested as nervous tension, tears or increased aggression. The initial signs of stress include reduced concentration, an increased incidence of job failures, deterioration of memory, increased fatigue, regular headaches or back pain, addiction to bad habits, regular feeling of hunger or, conversely, a dramatic loss of appetite, self-deprecation.

Ways to reduce stress

The most simple ways to organize the working day and thereby reduce stress include keeping a diary and schedule of business, maintaining order in the workplace, walking in the fresh air at lunchtime, having a hobby, no lack of sleep.

Maintaining diary and a structured schedule of Affairs allows to estimate objectively the number of tasks to identify the most important and urgent, and also exclude the possibility of skipping important tasks with established deadlines.

The order in the workplace also helps to structure tasks and documents, to reduce the risk of losing important papers, has a beneficial effect on speed and performance.

Part of the lunch break should be paid to the walk in the fresh air, allowing you to escape from the hustle and scheduling, to saturate the body with oxygen, to give vigor and effect of the second breath.

The presence of entrainment, where you might spend time after work also helps to distract, relax, brings joy in everyday life. Ideal is the merging of work and hobby together, and this scenario is a favorite pastime.

An important factor in reducing stress is a sufficient period of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to weakness, malaise, headaches, reduced alertness and concentration. Sleep for at least eight hours a day will give strength and energy for a new day.

In addition, an excellent method of dealing with stress will be able to dedicate several minutes a day of meditation and relaxation. This will allow you to tune into the right working mood, to put in order the nervous system.

Thus, stress in the workplace has a devastating effect on human health, but there are some simple ways every day to reduce the level of accumulated stress. In the case of degradation it is necessary to turn to the experts.