It is necessary to highlight top most common reasons:

The cream

Many creams contain elements and ingredients that can cause clogged pores. Therefore, before buying products to care and nourish the skin, it is important to carefully read its composition. If it contains lanolin acetate and butyl stearate, it is better to abandon the purchase of such funds. These components can cause irritation and clogging of pores, which could lead to rash and pimples.

Natural oil

More and more often for cosmetic purposes using a variety of natural oils to nourish and care for skin. But sometimes these very oils that seemingly have a beneficial effect on the skin, yet have a negative impact on its condition. For example, almond oil and cocoa butter can be the cause of a clogged pore, so when using natural oils, it is better not to overdo it.

Poor cleansing

It is not enough to wash off makeup and then apply the cream. It is important to observe the correct sequence of procedures in order to avoid acne and, of course, the blockage of the pores.


All beauticians and makeup artists know that the Foundation cream with a dense texture contribute to the clogging and contamination of the pores and do not allow the skin to breathe, which in turn leads to contamination of the pores and skin problems. And if your skin has acne, it is best not to apply concealer at all, because it will only worsen the situation and cause even more irritation.

Improper diet

It is important to know and remember that improper and unbalanced diet is harmful not only for figures but also for the health of the body and skin in General. After all, with some inflammatory processes in the body it affects the skin. Therefore, it is important to abandon oily, excessively salty and spicy foods as well as sweets and semi-finished products in order to keep the skin clean and healthy.

Lack of zinc

Dermatologists say that one of the reasons for the appearance of comedones is a zinc deficiency (which is responsible for the regulation of hormone levels and cell division). The lack of this element increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamin Is 5

Lack of this vitamin is harmful as the whole body in General and skin in particular.


The saying says that all the diseases from stress and anxiety, as is problematic and prone to rash, the skin is no exception.

At the slightest skin problems check your diet and characteristics of skin care to in a short time to rectify the situation.