Worrying about the beauty of their bodies, many girls start to believe everything they say, but not everything is true, there are well-established myths. What? Let's find out and dispel them once and for all!

Myth one: cellulite is a disease

Well, let's say, it still has not died, and that is good. "Orange" on the body appears from the fact that adipose tissue is sealed toxins, stagnant water and, of course, salts. All this happens because of the violation of metabolic processes in our body, and this is a medical problem.

Myth number two: cellulite only women's issue

A hundred times no. Men also know the word cellulite, but very few. As studies have shown, only in the past year in anti-cellulite in the salons came 6000 men. Of course, men suffer from excess weight, but their skin ribbed tubercles unnoticed because they are not there. Just male and female morphology of the structure of adipose tissue is different.

The third myth: cellulite is attacking fatties and fatties

Since the beginning everyone thought so, and thin people rejoiced, but not for long, then they noticed that the cellulite settles anyway. It turns out that excess weight and amount of fat under the skin not the decisive factor. Cellulite is inflammation under the fatty tissue, and so you need to deal first with the slag and salts, but also about the weight to not forget.

The fourth myth: cellulite is not a problem

Of the doctors think it is a terrible disease, and others argue that the egregious bumps is a normal, common thing. Because cellulite also performs a protective function. But not to worry, if he took the initial stage, but if he poisons life and strongly bother, an attack!

Myth number five: the cellulite a lot of ladies in age

This is the real lie! The fact that cellulite appears 15% of young girls starts puberty. So our enemy is a result of hormonal processes and not otherwise. Age does not matter! His current problem is just compounded, but does not accept an early stage. All because the same stress, alcohol consumption, Smoking and other factors.