The main contraindications to the use of Bepanten" – individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

The current tool

The main character is a tool of the drug – or dexpanthenol provitamin B5. It should be noted that that is why Much quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving a greasy film.

There are a number of analogues of the drug, which are composed of exactly the same main active ingredient. The difference is the additional supplements, as well as price.

The most popular analogues of the cream "Bepanten":

  • "D-panthenol" is made in Croatia and distributed in tubes of 25 grams. Has a similar list of indications that a cream "Bepanten". It is worth noting that the price difference between these drugs is minimal.
  • "Panthoderm" ointment of the Russian manufacture, prescribe it if excessive dryness of the skin, diaper rash, burns, fractures.
  • "Dexpanthenol" is an ointment in an aluminum tube of 30 grams. The tool is allowed to use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Panthenol is often prescribed for burns the upper layers of the skin, but the drug is suitable for use against cracks, excessive dryness, dermatitis. Release form – ointment, spray and cream.

Remember that any of these funds, pre-need to test – apply the product on my elbow. If during the day, the allergic symptoms will not be revealed, we can safely use the tool.