A drink of cinnamon and honey

Honey – a storehouse of unique trace elements and vitamins, which have no analogues in nature. Combined with the healing properties of cinnamon, this natural product can speed up metabolism by almost 2 times. For a drink you will need the following ingredients:

1. 1.5 tsp. ground cinnamon of high quality.

2. 4 tsp honey (buckwheat, lime, herbs).

3. 1.5 litres of hot water.

The proportions depend on the amount of drink that you want to get in the end. The optimal ratio of cinnamon and honey is 1:2. Take a convenient container (a thermos, a jar), sprinkle the bottom with cinnamon. Then add the boiling water and wait at least 20 minutes. Put the honey, mix thoroughly. Put the liquid to steep in a dark place for 1.5 hours. Full subsidence spice powder – a sign of readiness to drink. Also quite effective is the fasting 1 tsp of honey, pre-dusted with a thin layer of cinnamon. Do not forget to wash down the mixture with a glass of warm water.

A drink of cinnamon, ginger and lemon

This preparation method differs from previous such supplements, like ginger and lemon. The preparation technology is fully preserved. Immediately before use add to the finished drink lemon juice to taste and a pinch of ginger. For this recipe is preferable to take the honey varieties clover, which is better than other interacts with citric acid.

A drink based on cinnamon, you must every morning and evening. Observe the time interval 20 minutes before a meal. After 3 weeks you will feel the effect of the healing potion. However, remember that losing weight is important integrated approach, consisting of moderate physical activity, good mental health and a balanced diet.