You will need
  • statistics from the traffic police;
  • - letter from residents;
  • plan of the district or locality.
Find out in charge of traffic lights in your town or village. This can be done in local authorities. In large cities, are engaged in special departments or committees roads. In small towns, where the functions of the different governance structures are often combined, to solve these issues can departments on landscaping, transport, etc. also Find out you have not included the necessary traffic light in address program. Such a program develops the local administration and appointed their Board members.
Look at the statistics of the traffic police. It is not classified information, it can be found in Newspapers or on the official website of the local Department of the Ministry of interior. In the majority of Department of traffic police, to inform people not only about the number of road accidents, but also about the places where they occur most often. In either case, the installation of a traffic light soglashaetsa services road safety, so that you can enlist the support of the inspection in advance.
Write a letter to the local authorities. Specify the reasons for requiring the installation of a traffic light in your proposed location. Such reasons can be not only frequent accidents, but also the presence of nearby schools, nursing homes, companies with mass stay of people. This is especially important for small village, divided into two parts by a major road. People often even in the store I can not go without danger to life. The more good reasons you provide, the better. Invite Perekrestov or pedestrian crossing where it is possible to install a traffic light. Don't forget to consider that this place has certain requirements, and the traffic light must meet state standards.
Collect signatures of inhabitants. Better if sign-up sheet will be drawn across the form. Specify surnames, names and patronymics of citizens, addresses, contact numbers, passport number, date of filling. Can be taken at the village meeting or meeting of the residents of urban apartment buildings a relevant appeal to the local authorities. Attach the statistics of the traffic police on this stretch of road.
Send your appeal by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or hand him to the authorities through the Secretariat. In this case, don't forget to ask to make a copy of the endorsed letter. You can contact local authorities by email or through the official website. However, keep in mind that feedback is provided not everywhere.
Don't expect a traffic light put up immediately. It will take some time. The head of local administration shall issue the corresponding resolution. The installation of traffic lights should be coordinated with the Department of traffic police, as it will change the traffic pattern. In small towns it is necessary to lay the appropriate amount in the expenditure budget. The budget, in turn, members of the local Council. We will announce a competition to identify the contractor, and only after this much-desired traffic light will appear at the dangerous intersection. Your task in this situation is to speed up the process. It is necessary to control the path of your treatment. In large cities where traffic lights and road signs are administered by any of a large specialized organization, the process takes less time.