The emphasis in the word "ease" falls at the end

According to the rules of the modern Russian language the word "facilitate" should be accented on the last syllable of "to facilitate". This rule is given in all the dictionaries as pronouncing (accents, dictionaries), and in spelling. The option of the "ease" with the accent on the second syllable does not correspond to the literary norm and is considered an error.

When conjugating the verb "to facilitate" the accent will always fall on personal end – will facilitate, facilitate, facilitate, facilitate and so on.

Similarly behaves the emphasis in many other verbs in –ing – for example, "ringing", "hand", "bleed", "speed up". Mistakes in the accent in such words can be heard in speech very often they are made even educated people. The fact is, that in the Russian language there is a tendency to shift the accent in verbs to the beginning of a word (e.g., "glue" or "debase"). In addition, polysyllabic words are often characterized by the shift of the accent to the middle of a word. However, the speed of these processes in relation to different words can vary.

In the case of the word "relieve" the stress on the last in the modern Russian language is the only correct one. Perhaps in the future the emphasis to "ease" will begin to appear in dictionaries, first as a valid option and then as standard, but this has not happened yet.

The accent in the words "lightweight" and "lightweight"

In the formation of passive participles of the past tense from the verbs in –ing with shock endings suffix –Ann, who is always under stress. Therefore, the correct emphasis is "lightweight", the short form is "light".

The word "light" accent is retained in all genera and numbers – light-weight, lightweight, light weight and so on. If you change the short form of "light" the emphasis goes on the word ending – lightweight, lightweight, lightweight.