The concept and signs of late blight

Late blight most commonly affects the culture of the family Solanaceae (Petunia, pepper, eggplant, tomato, potato, etc.). Often the fungi are exposed to Apple and pear. The main reasons for the development of the fungus I think the dim lighting of the site, high humidity or sudden temperature changes.

The infection begins with the appearance on leaves and stems of dark spots, as if burnt with a match. On the reverse side of the sheet can be observed a whitish fuzz similar to a web of dust. In dry hot weather the spots dry up and covered with a dark crust.

Inflorescences start to blacken and otdihat. The development debate continues from 3-16 days, then the fungus actively proliferates, leading to rotting of the infected cultures.


Not terrible fungus nor the 30-degree heat, no freezing. Spores can be stored in the tops, the soil and the fallen leaves for several years, hitting new crops and harvest. Therefore, the first step in combating the infection should be timely autumn cleaning of the area from outdated plants and leaves.

Methods of control and prevention

When planting Bush cultures try to keep the shrubs are not located too close to each other, maintain a minimum distance of 1 m In the rainy season and high humidity, once a week spray the plants with 0.2% solution of copper sulfate, combining with foliar application of nutrients. Do not overfeed with nitrogen and phosphorus.


Storage space for waste and leaf handle a 5% solution of magnesium chlorate. When planting the tubers carefully sorted out to exclude even a small rotten spot. Before planting, dig the soil with lime calculated as 500 g/1 sq. m. as fertilizer use dark proprely horse manure with chicken litter.

Infected leaves and fruit should be immediately collected and burned. Allowed allowed preventive disinfection of biological agents-fungicides: "fitosporin", "Backoff", "Barrier", etc. Quick effect in combination with low toxicity allows the use of drugs without concern for the health of the crop.