You will need
  • - a plastic card from Sberbank;
  • - login and password Sberbank online;
  • - the mobile phone.
Participate in the bonus program "Thank you" from Sberbank can any cardholder from the Bank, regardless of whether the card is debit or credit. Sberbank offers you three ways to register in the bonus program. This can be done through an ATM, by telephone via Mobile Bank and online method via Internet-Bank "Sberbank Online".
To register in the program "Thanks" you need to have access to the Internet-Bank "Sberbank Online". Enter your username and password on the login page of the system. For security purposes, you will need to enter one time password sent to your mobile phone.
In the personal menu you will see a special section on "Thank you from Sberbank". In the registration window you will need to enter your mobile phone number and email address. Then will confirm its acceptance of participation in the program.
In case of successful registration you will receive an SMS with a password to communicate with the contact center programs. Now you become a full participant of the bonus program "Thank you." When you pay for goods and services in shops or online you will earn bonuses in the amount of 0.5% of purchase cost. 1 bonus equal to one ruble that can be exchanged for discounts at outlets participating in the program. Today they include more than 10,000 shops.
If you have multiple cards from the savings Bank, all accumulated bonuses are received on a single account. You just sign up once, add each card is not necessary.