The information that kids get in high school, sometimes is not only of highly specialized use, which is not always understandable to the student. Some may decide that the question of our title is rhetorical. Experience shows that it is not always possible to answer unambiguously.
A thirst for knowledge, a sincere interest in primary classes is gradually transformirovalsya in children tedious process, that needs to be done only because the alternative is punishment. In high school often attend school – a lesson, the end result of which was expressed not in acquired knowledge, and successfully passed the examinations, a good mark.
Evaluation of incentives, an indicator of progress, becomes an end in itself. And here all means are good: from rote learning, mechanical application of formulas learned in time of a paragraph (then to a few lessons be able to relax with nothing to teach), successfully combines quotes from critics to cheat sheets and cheating.
Why is this happening? Age problems? I think not. Most children in grade 6 want to start studying physics, and later eager to begin the study of chemistry. But this interest disappears after a few lessons.
It would be logical to assume that the lack of interest due to misunderstanding. Small gaps, misunderstandings in elementary school gradually lead to the fact that the assimilation of objects becomes a surface, and then stops altogether. Hence the unwillingness to learn. And the reluctance is preceded by a variety of emotions, physiological reactions: the stupidity, the emptiness in the head, criticism, fatigue, etc.