Paronyms is a Greek term that literally means "near, around" and "name".
Paronyms are words similar in sound.
Definition of paronyms
In linguistics, there are 2 main approaches to the definition of paronyms:
1. Paronyms is close, but not identical sounding words having the accent on the same syllable, attributable to the same grammatical category.
2. Paronyms — words that due to the similarities in the sound and partially matches the morphemic composition can either a mistake, or be used in a punning speech.
Examples of paronyms: tragic, tragic, dramatic — dramatic; lyrical lyrical; successful, fortunate; Advisor — counselor; toast — health resort; fish — fish.
Causes of paronyms in the Russian language
Causes of paronyms are diverse and numerous. It is possible to distinguish 2 groups: internal and external.
The internal include:
1) the existence of cognate words with minimal phonetic differences. Examples: subscriber — subscription; addressee — addressor.
2) the existence of polysemous words, some values of which may be synonymous, but others are not. Examples: far, distant; herbal — grassy.
Such antonyms have different collocations: far (longer distance) road, but far (related to the common ancestor) relative; grass — herbaceous meadow.
3) the presence of different words with minimal phonetic differences. Examples: Cathedral — a fence; the remains — remains; order order; dictation — dictate; the diplomat is the winner.
The external causes include:
1) lack of knowledge of the language and culture of speech;
2) slips of the tongue, reservations.