In linguistics there are many definitions, giving the notion that such synonyms.

The definition of a synonym

Synonyms are similar or identical in meaning, denoting the same concept, but different from each other or shades of meaning or stylistic colouring and scope of use (or simultaneously both of these characteristics).

Synonyms appear in the language of the existing building material, through the dialects, jargons, and borrowings from other languages.

Types of synonyms in the Russian language

There are the following types of synonyms:

1) single-rooted and Raznotravie. Examples: bass - bass; water - water; the Blizzard - Blizzard — odnomernaya synonyms. Examples raznosortnyh synonyms: logger woodsman; red — purple.

2) full and partial synonyms.

Are called full synonyms, whose lexical meaning is identical. Examples: spelling — spelling; linguistics — linguistics.

Partial synonyms are divided into 3 large groups:

Semantic (or conceptual) — synonyms with different connotations. Examples: ugly — ugly; flawless — flawless.

Stylistic synonyms differ in stylistic colouring. Examples: to die (neutral) — die (book); hand (neutral) — hand (book, outdated).

Semantico-stylistic synonyms are synonyms that differ by shades of meaning and stylistic colouring. Examples: arcane (neutral) — secret (book), a power of the characteristic.

Function synonyms

In the Russian language synonyms perform the following functions:

1) semantic: synonyms to avoid monotony of speech, and using synonyms talking can more accurately Express their thoughts.

2) the stylistic function allows you to use synonyms in accordance with the style and type of text as a vivid means of expression to our speech.