General tips

When planning a photo shoot with a pregnant girl on the nature, we should not forget about several important things. Pretty important "guess" with the weather. Beautiful hot summer day for pregnant woman can be too stuffy and uncomfortable, and prolonged shooting in the winter outdoors can lead to colds and related diseases.

Before the photo session, it is recommended to get acquainted with the model, to plan the shooting to discuss the details of props and costume, to meet with the makeup artist and the photographer's assistant, if such are to participate in the process. The ideal gestation for a photo session is 32-36 weeks: a woman at that time is still cheerful and full of energy, but the belly is already very visible and looks clear and nice. Last weeks photoshoot undesirable for reasons of safety of the expectant mother: movement outdoors could cause her discomfort and even stress. In a case like planernoy and Studio shooting, it is better to ask the model to wear light flowing clothes, creating a feeling of tenderness.

General ideas for photo shoots in nature

There are a few basic ideas of photo shoots moms in nature. First, of course shooting pair. Ideally, if young people have the same or similar style clothing, General, accessories – it all adds shooting and charming details. You can ask parents to paint a colorful posters to bring along balloons, bubbles. Playing "in the childhood" model emphasize the fact that very soon they have themselves a baby.

In the summer, great idea for a photo can be a body art. Painted vibrant watercolors of a pregnant belly will look very funny and cute.

Very nice might look for a photo shoot of a girl knitting or sewing on the nature of children's things. Little booties, hats and scarves will seamlessly weave into the fabric of photography.

If the child is not the first and he already has an older brother or sister, then a photo shoot can and should be done with their participation. Add charming detail to the children, listening to his mother's stomach, or painted his drawings.

In autumn and winter, when there is a special opportunity to highlight the wait state of the child because of the tight clothes, the photo shoot better is carried out in studios or home setting. But if you want it planernoy shooting, you can "play" with various posters, toys, cut on the plotter or hand stitched letters forming the name of the future baby.