Young professionals is

Young professionals (employees) are graduates of special educational institutions full-time education. This category of specialists is trained on a budgetary basis and is sent to work strictly according to the decision of individual distribution to the Commission in accordance with the received specialty. Young professionals are provided special rights and guarantees in relation to other categories of workers.

The status of the young specialist is assigned to the graduates of higher and secondary special institutions studying without a job, part - time students. Young people who have passed the entire course but fail the final certification, neither can be considered young professionals. As well as young professionals can not be considered graduates, who according to Russian law, have the right to seek employment on their own.

The conditions under which it is possible to reduce a young professional

To reduce young specialist to the expiry of the compulsory gap of 2 years from the date of signing of the labour contract is possible if it does not have the right of priority to leaving on work. On the basis of article 179 of the labour code, law on abandonment in the workplace is provided to employees with higher qualification and labour productivity

If the educational establishment has decided to write young specialist help on self-employment, or the redistribution, in this case, the reduction of the young specialist is also possible. The termination of the employment contract with the young specialist, the actual reduction of staff, and if taken all measures for its employment, is also legitimate.

The conditions under which prohibited the reduction of the young specialist

The law of the Russian Federation obliges the reduction of young professionals closely adhere to legal procedure, as the dismissal process of a young specialist is particularly monitored by the state. According to the statement of rights and responsibilities of young specialists, their dismissal is prohibited until the date of completion of compulsory works, prescribed in the certificate of referral. As well as to the transfer of young professionals, without their consent, work, profile which is different from the specialty they obtained illegally.