No matter what you are sewing machine – hand, treadle or electric – the cause of this problem is the same. The line threads each drugwatch, the first thing you should pay attention to is whether each other the lower and upper thread. Sometimes for a special type of stitching slight difference, but, as a rule, threads should not differ greatly. For example, the top thread - No. 40, and the bottom - number 10 – invalid values.Matching thread caninity can break due to the incompatibility of its rooms to the character of the fabric. Too dense, thick fabric retains a thin thread, difficult to cross, as a result, the thread is going and tear.The matching numbers thread number illidge if you can insert a thick thread to a needle, designed for a thinner yarn, you will receive already known the result the thread breaks. Pick correctly thread the needle and tissue. For this the manuals machines should be a special table. This is everything that is related to incorrect selection of material. Now consider the nuances associated with the mechanism of the machine, which lead to thread breakage.Different needle thread tension If the tension of the upper thread does not match the tension of the yarn in the Shuttle, the thread may break. Here is probably a few options. If the needle thread tension too tight – upper thread breaks. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to release the tension. In the abs cars have a washer that regulate the thread tension, these washers are spinning in opposite directions, and in the case of strong tension of the upper thread washer should be relaxed.If the lower thread breaks, you need to loosen the tension of lower thread. Its tension is regulated in the Shuttle. It must be removed and special small screwdriver to loosen the screw that in a single amount, you will immediately notice.Problems with iglova first, you may have incorrectly inserted the needle, check. Second, the new needle may have a sharp edge of the eyelet, cutting needle. You can change the needle to another, but you can take a strong thread, to RUB the polishing paste and Polish the ear. The choice is yours. And thirdly, you may have a defective needle.General Soutine forget to grease the machine special machine oil. If you use it often, do it once a month. If rarely, then before using the machine to lubricate it. On the raw oil machine sudden start can lead to thread breakage. Do not remove from the accounts the quality of the thread. It can also affect the quality of the sewing. And, of course, threads should be well seasoned.
Why the machine breaks the thread
Fans of sewing encounter a problem when at the wrong time torn thread. Sometimes it is enough to pull the other thread and problem solved. But often it changes nothing. You need to look for the manual to thumb through, to understand, to waste time. If you have useful information, Troubleshooting time is significantly reduced.

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