From traditional medicinal drugs for getting rid of itching it is recommended to choose tools that not only eliminate the symptoms but also the cause. For complex effects on the common cold most often used are antiviral and hydrating medication as an aqueous solution "Interferon", intended for washing the nasal passages and preparations based on seawater. This category includes drugs "Dolphin", "saline" and "Aqualor", which washed his nose.
Well proven in the treatment of severe runny nose homeopathic remedies such as "Epornium Compositum" and "EDAS-131". These drugs are made from substances of plant or mineral origin and are selected individually. Not far behind them and the herbal remedies, which are the main components of the essential oil of eucalyptus and peppermint – "the Throat" and "Cold". In severe cases of rhinitis doctors prescribe sprays and nasal drops with antibiotics – however, be aware that they are effective only in bacterial in origin rhinitis.
The most popular ways of treatment of severe cold apply vasoconstrictor drops "Naphazoline", "Taufon",".", "I" and "Galazolin", which greatly facilitate the human condition. But after their actions the nasal mucosa starts to swell, resulting vasoconstrictors are used again and again without eliminating the cause of the common cold.
In order not to hurt the body, you can resort to folk medicine. So, to stop a bad cold, you can use aloe Vera juice – I use a slightly frostbitten leaves of the plant through a meat grinder, then dilute the juice with water in proportion 1:1 and dripping it into the nose 3 times daily for 5-10 drops in each nostril. Swelling of the mucous will help a cloth bag with heated salt, crushed boiled egg and paraffin, which is applied to the nose. You can also mix 3 tablespoons of beet juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and dripping this solution 4 times a day 2-4 drops in each nostril.