Causes and symptoms acetonuria

Acetone appears in the urine only after it is detected in the blood, so causes acetonuria often become the cause of acetonemia.

The decrease in the concentration of blood glucose is the main etiological factor of this disease. Unbalanced diet and long hungry periods lead to insufficient intake of carbohydrates in the human body. When enzyme deficiency impaired digestion of carbohydrates, and stress, infections, injuries causes increased expenditure of glucose.

Food rich in fats and proteins, disrupts the normal processes of digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. A hard body begins to dispose of them by gluconeogenesis. Diabetes - the cause of diabetic ketoacidosis. In this disease the level of glucose in the blood increased, but it is not fully spent due to lack of insulin.

There are primary and secondary acetonuria, which is manifested typical symptoms: increased nervous excitability, enzyme insufficiency, impaired metabolism of proteins and fats, emotional instability, pains in the joints, bones and abdomen. Factors contributing to the appearance of acetone in the urine are: stress, diet violation, fear, pain, negative or positive emotions.

With the increase of acetone in the urine and blood occurs repeated or uncontrollable vomiting, nausea, spastic abdominal pain, lack of appetite, symptoms of intoxication and lesions of the nervous system. The smell of acetone breath, urine and vomit — pathognomonic sign acetonuria.

The excretion of acetone from the body

Acetonuria treatment starts with the correction of lifestyle and diet. It is necessary to normalize the mode of the day, to ensure patient a sufficient night's sleep and a daily walk in the fresh air. Should be limited to mental and physical stress. Diet must be observed constantly. Are prohibited products: fatty meat, fish, smoked products, marinades, mushrooms, coffee, cocoa, cream, sour cream, sorrel, tomatoes, oranges, fast food, fizzy drinks. Daily should be present in menu of easily digestible carbohydrates - fruits, sugar, honey, cookies, jam.

To reduce the level of acetone in the urine and the shortfall of glucose the patient is given sweet tea, regidron, a 5% glucose solution, fruit drinks. Enema and receiving chelators increase the excretion of ketones from the body. Falling increases the amount of urine passed, and with it the excretion of acetone. Patients should alternate the sweet drink with the usual boiled water, alkaline mineral water or rice water.

If the patient is in a serious condition, it needs to be rushed to hospital for infusion therapy, which involves intravenous drip infusion fluids.